by McKenzie | Jan 11, 2023 | Achievements, Publications, and Writing Challenges, Blog, Literary Scene
Happy Wednesday, everyone! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. I’m going to keep this one brief, but it’s only January 11th, and one of my goals for 2023 is already coming true: to launch Lit Shark Magazine after pondering it for about five years....
by McKenzie | Oct 2, 2021 | Achievements, Publications, and Writing Challenges, Blog, Newsletter
Happy Saturday, friends! I know I’m late for Friday and for October 1st, but I’m so excited to reach out to you! How was your week? Are you doing anything special for the beginning of the Halloween season? I’ve got a big weekend ahead of me,...
by McKenzie | Sep 29, 2021 | Achievements, Publications, and Writing Challenges, Blog, Books
Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all having a wonderful week. As some of you know, I’ve been focusing primarily on my clients the last few years (copywriting, line-editing, resumes, publishing assistance, etc.), but in 2020, I decided it was time...
by McKenzie | Sep 20, 2021 | Fiction, Reviews
I’ll be honest: I’ve spent the last two days trying to let this book go (or rather, to pry its hooks out of me). This book is all at once startling and overwhelming, beautifully composed, and thieving (as ‘haunting’ in this case is not a strong enough word). I...
by McKenzie | Mar 24, 2019 | Blog, Literary Scene
Happy Sunday, reading and writing friends! I’m here to very happily announce my Poem of the Day series, discontinued more than a year ago, will be re-launched, alongside two additional series: my Favorite Fiction Friday Series and the Saturday Spotlight. Poets,...