World Cup 2014

by | Jun 19, 2014 | Blog, My Poems


                                   thinking of Ashley Capps’ Mistaking the Sea for Green Fields


I’m watching the first of the games, and all I can think of
is how true that could be, here—their bodies suspended

over all that green. The white uniforms and the legs bent
like V’s, the swastika bodies, always turning and returning

across a green field and faceless, towering seats. Perhaps
it’s all pointless—the running of a ball back and forth, aiming

in-between two steel poles—but what seems even more so
is their inability to hide. Never do we see their arrival

on that field, or their exit. We only see that constant flux
from offense to defense, that constant-green terrain. They keep

moving, breathing, eating the air, until that final turn, which
sometimes feels further and further away, sometimes suspended,

too, against that green that is a little too green for grass.