August 2022: Seafoam Green Poems, Travel Writing, & Chosen Families

by | Aug 1, 2022 | Blog, My Writing Challenges

Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I’m sorry for the temporary silence on my end; I promise it was only temporary while I was getting ready for the absolutely GIGANTIC month I have ahead of me.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve started today with two BYOB (Blog Your Own Book Challenge) projects: “Not Your Typical Digital Nomad” and “Nowhere Blood.”

I’ve posted the first feature for “Digital Nomad” here, and the first feature for “Nowhere Blood” will be going up tonight. Each week, as a part of Feature Friday, I will also give you a round-up of all of those posts, so you have all of the easy-to-click links in one place.

What We Find in the Dark

Two other projects I’m working on this month: First, I am in the final stages with What We Find in the Dark, and I will be starting to tease those stories in the next few days! I’m in the editing phase now and plan to publish by month’s end, and I could not be more excited to share these quirky stories with you.

In the meantime, you can still read “The Duplex” for a little while longer if you have not already. I’m debating right now whether to leave it up once the collection comes out, so if you’re interested in a preview of my writing style, now would be the time to read! You can find the story on my Books page.

New Poems Coming!

Since I’m writing two short resource books that are in the spirit of Croatia, I decided I wanted to do something more creative in that spirit, as well. So the second side-project I’ll be working on this month is a daily series of Croatia poems, set by the sea.

They’ll be nature poems, lyrical, and likely short. The first of these will be available tonight after I fittingly go for a swim in the Adriatic.

Here’s a poem of mine that would fit very well with the series that was published back in 2016 with The Birds We Piled Loosely:


as if it were only the world passing—two King cobras
who learned how to dovetail

in the dark, a woman
without her clothes, an eye

that washed up somewhere
in Southern Florida, all blue.

From a swordfish, they say.
The disembodied object falls

into the woman’s hands. You can see
the reflection of her face in the surface,

looking off.

Where Can You Find All of This?

The poetry series will be hosted here on my blog. You’ll receive daily or every-other-day post notifications for new poems if you are subscribed.

I’ll share more information about What We Find in the Dark as it becomes available, both on my blog and on my social media, so you’ll be able to see it there, too, if you’re following me.

Finally, for the two BYOB series, those posts will be hosted on Medium. You can find my Medium profile here, and if you set up a Medium account (it’s free!), you can subscribe to my content. That way, if you want to follow along, the posts can be delivered straight to your Inbox (and of course, you can unsubscribe or close your account at any time, at the click of a button).

I hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you.

More Soon—

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