Happy Friday night, friends!
This one is coming in LATE, but hopefully some of you night owls are out there reading with me (getting LIT-erary on Friday night, right?).
It’s been a long week, and I’m exhausted. You might call this the perfect opportunity to talk about the idealization of being overworked—but I could write a whole book on that, and might someday.
It felt like one of those weeks when things either went wrong, or there was just too much going on at once. You’re writing, the floor needs to be mopped, there are dishes in the sink, and your washer won’t run, because you overloaded it with laundry. It felt like one of those weeks.
Writing-wise, it was a fantastic week, and I loved it. I had hard, emotional trending pieces to write again this week, and their content is messing with my head a little bit. But the news I covered on Harry Potter and Stephen King was refreshing, and I loved writing a piece about IT: Chapter Two and plan to write more. Those entertainment pieces helped me reset mentally and reminded me what else I enjoy writing about.
I had to take a break from writing last night, because I was so physically and mentally exhausted from the week. But tonight, I’ve enjoyed poetry, and have challenged my friends online to “Poetry Games.” If you’d like to play, send me each of the following, and I’ll reply back with a mini-poem!
– A noun
– An adjective
– A verb
– An adverb
– A random word (i.e., “banana” has to appear in the poem somewhere)
– # of words required in the title
I’m going to give it a week, and then will share the poems I wrote for our next round-up! If everyone likes it, I may add this as a new element to the Friday round-up, to give it that creative flare.
In the meantime, I’m getting back to my weekly round-ups, for anyone looking for some quick weekend reads, or for those who may be interested in what I’m working on.
Enjoy! And thank you, as always, for the support and for the read.
This Week’s Round-Up!
In Entertainment:
“There Are So Many Easter Eggs in IT: Chapter Two,” Stream Queens (September 2019): link
“Are You Telling Me—I Could Go For a Writer’s Retreat at Stephen King’s House?,” (September 2019): link
“Tell Me Now: Is Harry Potter Coming to NYC?,” (September 2019): link
In Trending Pieces:
“Controversial Podcaster Not Sorry For Suggesting That Cheaper Movie Theaters Are More Likely To Be Shot Up,” Percolately (September 2019): link
“Body Of Student Who Died In His Dorm Room Wasn’t Found For Almost Two Months,” Comic Sands (September 2019): link
“Florida Eighth Grader Arrested After Threatening To Kill Minorities In Group Chat Because ‘White Lives Matter,'” Percolately (September 2019): link
“Devasted Woman Pays Tribute To Her Boyfriend After He Drowns While Proposing To Her Underwater,” Percolately (September 2019): link
You can find more articles over on my Bylines page, as well as book reviews and poetry. Thank you for reading! Happy Friday, and Happy Fall!