Speech Impediment

You often says things in which I can say little in return—my growing deficiency—and the sky turns yellow. We lay a blanket in a field in the middle of nowhere and return to find it covered in earth that cannot grow. We lie in this space and stare into a sky filled...

A Poem–different from my usual work

SPRING MORNING It is without a word that you follow me outside like a lumbering shadow. We reach the sidewalk, our steps matching. Wind tangles in my hair as we pass apartment doorways and windows. It is when we see the shadows of two people making love through an...

All Memory

It was late, and the sky had long past burst and cleared into stars when it ran from the trees, like a mass, illuminated into white and fur in the headlights. Its eyes were like two pearls. I watched as it tumbled away into the darkness, that broken filament, and I...

Near the End of It

As I move through this evening, I am reminded of you. During the winter which beat my skin raw, we tried to be someone older. We attempted to speak like birds, all sound in the early morning glow, the pink dew and raw strawberries. You became all hands, you like a...

It Ends With Three.

And the hands begin floating out in the open— all fingers like predisposed tiger lilies. * In the end, there is water hung over the rafters like long sticks, like limbs, * and there are birds lining the doorway. You sleep in your bed, unaware of the...