by McKenzie | Aug 14, 2019 | Blog, My Poems
TO THE DARK WHO FOLLOWS MEAFTER MY SECOND CHILD IS BORN:Tell me they’d miss me. Tell me they love me, even on the days when my voice rises higher than the tide. Tell me they believe me when I say I love them to the moon and back—that same moon that pushes and pulls...
by McKenzie | Aug 3, 2019 | Blog, My Poems
NIGHTLIGHT, a celebration3:30 am—brother born, & the air in the house shifts like a pedaled drum. I touch his hair, his skin, & remember your similar textures, the softness. How your eyes, like his, looked to mein adoration—looked to me & saw...
by McKenzie | Jul 30, 2019 | Blog, My Poems
AN ACCORD In the early light, their see-through dress wings show against my shirt, their bodies muted yellow, & I do not mind if they might harm me.The mutual understanding here is simple: let me live. The smallnon-exchange of a sting for the smack of a hand. The...
by McKenzie | Jul 6, 2018 | Blog, Craft (Writing Tips), Reading
Hi friends! Happy Thursday. I hope you had a really wonderful holiday mid-week and are finding yourselves back in the full swing of things. The last few days, since celebrating my birthday, my anniversary, and the 4th of July, I’ve been doing a lot of...
by McKenzie | Oct 11, 2017 | Blog, My Poems
–A poem today after a long hiatus —Happy International...